
Our desire is that every Vorderosa puppy becomes an integral part of your family. Check out what our many Vorderosa Puppy Owners have to say about their experiences and special memories.

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Shiloh Puppy

I wanted to send an update on Bailey! This summer we learned that she has a love for swimming, paddle boarding, digging, hammocking and being in the outdoors like us! She also loves working as a service dog and gets really excited to put her working harness on. Here are some pictures of her enjoying her favorite activities.
- Autumn
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Akaysha Puppy

Bennie amazes us and fills our home with joy every day! We are learning her personality and have found that she LOVES the snow! We go outside a lot for potty breaks and for noise/environmental desensitization. She is adjusting well and does not scare easily by the noises. The same can be said of indoors (blenders, food processors, nail trimmer, dishes/pans, etc). She is doing very well with basic commands (sit, come, down, touch—nose to palm, and up (stand). She is also learning stay, leave it, off, and drop it. She can also do fun commands like roll over, shake and high five. She loves to meet new people and easily wins hearts. She is very easy to love. She has enriched our lives. 2021 Update: She continues to grow and amaze us. She is lean, muscular, active and very agile. She is very loving and cuddly (when she is not tired then she just wants to be left alone). She loves to take multiple walks daily, sniff all things and pick up, carry and drop all the sticks she finds along the way. She makes us laugh and fills us with joy.
- Laura & Tito
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Jazmin Puppy

We got a male and he is the best!! His name is Bogey and we couldn’t love him more! He’s training quite well (when he’s got the attention span for it) and loves to be around us. He loves playing outside and playing fetch. He’s great at returning the ball or toy. And LOVES playing with the hose! Now that he’s fully vaccinated we’re going to take him to the lake. His personality is hilarious and I can tell he’s going to be the best dog for our growing family!
- Laura
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Willow Puppy

She has been the best puppy ever. She is so unbelievably calm and patient! Chloe made it through the long winter in Bemidji. She didn’t really like wearing her little boots though. Chloe LOVES swimming, we’ve spent a ton of time with her at the cabin this summer. We get tons of compliments on how calm and incredibly good looking she is! She has the cutest smile and eyebrows too! Her puppy eyes are extremely hard to say no to. Training her wasn’t too hard, she picked up everything very quickly. She is so smart and loves meeting new people. We couldn’t imagine life without her!
- Brady & Greta
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Shasta Puppy

She is doing fantastic and is so full of energy! She loves running around at the park and playing fetch with her brother, Jake. We love her so much, she’s growing up way to fast! Thank you!
- Luke & Ashley
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Jazmin Puppy

Daisy is a year already! Time has flown! Daisy is such a sweet and goofy dog! She is also very smart (maybe a little too smart sometimes) We can’t imagine life without her. She loves to pose for pictures.
- Sarah & John
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Willow Puppy

Overall, Denver has been incredible. He is pretty good with his potty training, which is nice. At night, Denver is wonderful. He will whine only when he needs to go out and falls right back asleep. Though we have not started formal training, which we will start with puppy training class next week, Denver knows his basic commands. He has been an excellent addition to our family.
- Erin & Patrick
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Autumn Puppy

We have a great dog training club not too far from us where we train. All of the instructors love him, and he enjoys engaging in class. At the age of two he still has times when he acts like a giant puppy and can be a bit wild, but he is always fun and incredibly sweet. We are also preparing to get his AKC Certified Farm Dog title. There is a club in the Iron Range that is planning to host a test day next spring. At that time we’ll also take the test for the Novice Trick Dog title, and maybe the Intermediate Trick Dog title as well. In the spring we should also be ready for competition rally. He is technically ready for novice rally now; it’s me who needs to work on learning the signs and courses. AUGUST 2023 UPDATE: You may also like to know that the temperament testing you and your grandson did with him as a puppy was spot-on. And the noise desensitizing you did with the litter was also incredibly helpful. He is what I call “bomb-proof;” he isn’t bothered in the least by fireworks, gunshots, thunder, sirens, or alarms. If something does happen to startle him, he completely recovers even before I can tell him it’s okay. He is also very treat motivated, which means he is a dream to train. Of course it helps that he is also quite smart. This year has been extra exciting for him since he decided water and swimming can actually be enjoyable. Perhaps he finally realized he was the only golden retriever who disliked water and should re-evaluate his position on the matter...I told you he’s a smart one. His retrieving instinct is also wonderfully strong; he “retrieves” laundry tirelessly from the hamper. Nothing makes one smile like being greeted by a Golden with a gift (even if it’s dirty socks).
- Bonnie & Nicholas
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Autumn Puppy

I hope you both are doing well. I thought I’d send you guys an update on Duncan. I honestly could not imagine my life without him now! Duncan is growing fast and learning so much. He is just about 40 pounds now! His personality is so friendly and goofy and we absolutely love it. Everybody comments on how well behaved he is! He sleeps through the night great and we have not had an accident in a couple months now (knock on wood). He is still learning to love swimming and will only dip his toes in but he loves being on the boat. He loves playing with other dogs, meeting new people and running around the yard (picking up every stick of course). He graduated puppy kindergarten last week and earned his AKC trick puppy title! I can’t wait to continue to watch him grow. Time sure flies fast with him!
- Allie
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Emmie May

Emmie has been growing like a weed and we are loving how easy of a puppy she has been! She is super smart! We are in the middle of puppy kindergarten training classes at the local Dog Foundation and plan to go through a few of there other classes they offer as well. We are excited to see her grow and watch her personality shine through!
- Matthew
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Words cannot describe how in love we are with our sweet puppy, Finn! He is the sweetest dog we've ever known and has a heart of gold, is mellow yet very attentive. Chris works in HR for a nursing home and long-term care center so we brought Finn in to give his co-workers and residents a little puppy therapy. He was nothing short of amazing, especially with the elderly residents in memory care. We heard multiple times that he would be a great therapy dog someday. Just like his parents, he loves to be close to us and nuzzle our necks, is an extreme cuddler, and gives lots of kisses. We couldn't be happier about it because we were hoping for a very affectionate dog. He loves to play in the snow and chase us around the yard. He is well potty-trained and does well on his leash (loves to carry it in his mouth).
- Chris & Sonja
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Willow Puppy

We adopted one of the golden puppies and just wanted to say thank you. He has brought lots of love and chaos into our lives and we are enjoying every minute of it. We named him Goose. He is growing so fast and is so very smart. Seems like just yesterday we were bringing him home and now he weighs 60 lbs. He is doing great, loves going for walks and lives to fetch. His personality is so funny and so sweet. Thank you again for letting us adopt this lovable bundle of fur.
- Maureen & Ross
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Danika Puppy

We wanted to share a Hadley update. Hadley continues to bring much joy and laughter to our lives especially playing in the snow! Winter is definitely her season as no walk is complete without running and prancing through deep snow! We are blessed to have her in our lives.
- Angie & Jeremy
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Savannah Puppy

Klaus is doing fantastic. His training is going well. He is trying to dig holes. Normal puppy stuff. He is becoming a great young dog!
- Keith
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Danika Puppy

We wanted to send a little Leo update! He has grown SO much since we picked him up in July. We can’t even really remember what it was like without him in our family. He’s healthy, in “kindergarten”, loves to play, be outside, take walks and snuggle. He thinks that socks, mittens, kitchen towels, toilet paper and undies are a real treat so we are always on his case about what is food or toys and what isn’t! He definitely tries to play us. He is very good at “sit,” “come,” and is learning how to “wait” and “leave it” (see the list of unavailable items above…we are getting a LOT of practice with “leave it”). He lets us know when it’s time for a bathroom break, and has figured out his crate is a safe and comfy place.
- Alison
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Shiloh Puppy

I thought I would send you a few updated photos of London. She was 6 months old in the Green Bay picture and 7 months old sitting by the Christmas tree. She continues to be a real sweetheart - we couldn't be happier. She is beautiful and has sweet disposition.
- Brett
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Shasta Puppy

When I first got him, he was 12 lbs and now weighed in at his last shots at 24! He is pretty much potty trained, has slept through the night since night one, and knows how to sit, stay, lay down, and shake. Mack truly is my best friend. We now know lay down, roll over, high five, give hugs, and say your prayers for tricks! He’s a great listener and loves playing in the snow. 2020 UPDATE: I cannot believe I already have a two year old! My favorite boy is doing great as always. He loves being at the farm every day finding sticks, chasing the kitties or birds, managing to cover himself in cockleburs and being my right hand man for any task. He loves going for rides in the truck, but his most favorite day of the year is when I carry that 73 lb frame up the ladder for a day in the combine. I’m so lucky to have found you both to give me such an amazing dog and I am forever grateful for my best friend.
- Kari
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Shasta Puppy

Margo has been doing so great. We call her our little snow puppy, she loves playing outside in the snow! She loves people and is always going up to our friends and family to get her pets in. She has been such a blessing in our lives. We have loved getting to see her personality grow. She makes a perfect addition to our family.
- Michelle & Brian
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Akaysha Puppy

Maverick has been easy to train, enjoys meeting new people & other nice dogs, and has a great calm temperament. She gets excited about outdoor sights/smells (especially leaves blowing in the wind & rabbits running) and always wants to go towards the water when we walk on trails around lakes. We enjoy being outside & love seeing how much fun she has exploring! She is a healthy, happy puppy and fills each day with such joy!
- Rachel
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Savannah Puppy

It's been an interesting year to say the least..and this dog who I named Mavrick has been great! Right away he helped me propose to my fiance and (secured the yes). This is our first dog and it was definitely challenging at first but once a couple months went by and a couple of shoes were chewn through you could notice how quick he would learn things and how good his demeanor is. He's turned into our best friend pretty quick!
- Jessie and McKinnah
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Shiloh Puppy

Millie does so well in the office! I work at a dog-friendly hotel on the University of Minnesota campus. On busy days, she gets to be the "canine concierge" and walk around the lobby getting pets and love from students and guests. Millie does a lot of the promotional content for our dog-friendly program, which involves posing for pictures and being bribed with treats. She is extremely treat motivated so it doesn't take much! My hope is to volunteer in the Children's Hospital bi-weekly. Millie does really well around children since she is so calm and gentle. I cannot wait to see her in this new role.
- Kate
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Misha Bear

Savannah Puppy

She is the most laid back, loving, smart, beautiful and just plain amazing puppy/dog I have ever had. Our 12 year old lab is adapting well too. Misha thinks she is a toy and Millie just puts up with her… I think she likes having another friend around. I have to mention again how gorgeous she is… the vet spent about 20 minutes telling us how perfect she is in every way and cars slow down when they drive by to look at her. She is getting used to being brushed and puffs up just like a cotton ball. Our boys are quite smitten and I think that’s why they are so helpful. She pees a lot during the day, not going to lie about that, but she can make it through the night - go figure. Luke and I can’t thank you enough for Misha Bear and our correspondence along the way.
- Laura & Luke
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Shiloh Puppy

He is such a happy sweet friendly puppy. He's still a little social butterfly, he just loves people/dogs and has a calm demeanor when approaching them. When we are at the dog park he runs right up to people, smiles really big, wiggles his behind and rubs on their leg... he’s like hi do you see me... it’s so cute. Its so funny, when we are walking and people approach he will sit down and either wait for them to pass or if OK he will calmly say hi. I’ve never had a puppy that behaves as good as he does. I prepared myself to loose shoes, furniture, have holes in the wall from him trying to eat them, etc... but he really hasn’t done any of those things, he’s hardly wrecked anything. Everyone says he is so beautiful and they mention his big paws.
- Danika
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Akaysha Puppy

Here is our Oakley (Mavrick & Akaysha litter born 12.4.22) weighing 67lbs!!! He’s a huge baby still and LOVES his pool, going on walks, and chasing his human brothers! We haven’t sent any updates so figured I’d send one. Thank you for such an amazing puppy, we plan on coming back for another (hopefully next year).
- Cassie
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Willow Puppy

Oakley graduated from his Puppy Socialization class today! It was a class based on socializing him to people, other dogs, various loud noises (thunder, fireworks, vacuum cleaner, etc.) and various objects and places. Next we will start an obedience class at the end of April, although he is already very smart. I work with him everyday, multiple times a day, on training and he already knows sit, down, stand, shake, spin, look at me, leave it, and stay (for a short period of time). He can even heel while in the house! I'm so proud of him! Potty training has been going better these last few weeks. We've hung a bell on the door and he's starting to get a hang of ringing it to let us know he needs to go out. I love him so much and am so excited to continue watching him grow! He has the biggest paws!
- Morgann
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Akaysha Puppy

Pepper is doing well. We have seen a lot of progress already. She is a lot of fun.
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Autumn Puppy

Thought you might enjoy seeing a couple updated photos of second pick girl golden, or as we call her, Ruby. We are enjoying her so much! She loved to play ball and has learned how to fetch and return. She loves tennis balls and recently got her first bird toy. She has learned to sit and stay. Ruby will get to participate in a puppy school in July to learn some more basic commands. She is crate trained and we are proud to be accident free! We are so thankful that we have Ruby in our lives and cannot wait for summer fun!
- Michelle
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Piper Puppy

Our Surly girl from Pyper’s litter last January is 1 year old today! I can’t believe how fast she’s grown! Surly is the best dog we could have asked for. She’s so sweet, snuggly, silly, adventurous and the best family dog. She loves ice cubes, eggs, cheese, any soft toy, and her people! Surly is about 51 lbs, the perfect size and healthy. She absolutely loves the snow and to play with her cousin, Luna, a teacup maltipoo. She’s the perfect brewery dog and family member. We’re going to get Surly a pup cup this morning for her birthday and she’s excited to open up presents.
- Brooke & Nick
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Akasha Puppy

We hope you are doing well and just wanted to send a few of update photos of Watson now that he’s about six and a half months. The first one is a camping trip we did this fall with both of our pups, and the second one is our dogs in our back yard enjoying the snow a few weeks ago! The last two pictures are Watson with our friend’s dog, Max, who is also from Vorderosa (he was born in February 2018 and I believe his dad was Coulter)! We can’t believe how similar they look! Watson has been such an amazing puppy- he is so calm, cuddly, loves to play, and loves training (especially when his food is involved)! JUNE 2023 UPDATE: We wanted to share some recent pictures of Watson now that he’s a year old. Watson continues to be the most perfect, happy-go-lucky puppy! He is playful, gentle, and calm. His favorite things are exploring outside, meeting new people, playing with our nieces and nephews, playing tug-of-war, and playing with his big sister, Pippa. We’ve taken a few different training classes with him, and he’s responded really well to training and is always eager to learn new things. He also tried out swimming for the first time this past weekend, and he was a bit cautious at first, but eventually we couldn’t keep him out of the water!! Watson has been the best addition to our lives!
- Molly & Zach
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Whiskey continues to love life in Northern Minnesota. Although spring was slow on coming (it snowed 4 inches last week) it has finally come, and so the adventuring begins! Even though the water is FREEZING, that hasn't stopped him from going in the lake, although admittedly he may have over-committed on a lean and fallen in the first time! It sure is hard to balance 38 lbs of puppy sometimes! Water fetch is now his favorite game. He went fishing for the first time a few weeks ago and earlier this week he took his first trip into the BWCA. His training is going well and Ruth is starting the long process of getting him certified as a service dog. The biggest challenge will be getting him to listen to another handler as part of the final testing process, because he does NOT like it when she is out of sight.
- Ruth & Zach
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Savannah Puppy

Just wanted to pass along a few pictures we took of our girl from Savannah’s litter. She’s weighed at 32 pounds this weekend! She’s doing great, seems very happy and is so well mannered. She got to stay with our neighbors for a few days and loved her time with another English Creme. Your tips on nipping helped significantly and has improved so much! Rarely nips any more! Thanks again for such a wonderful dog!
- Beth


Willow Puppy

Vorderosa Puppy Owners

Check out what our Vorderosa Puppy Owners have to say.

Miss Bella

- Miss Bella has brought lots of smiles to our lives. She's been doing well with going outside and crate training. I'm so impressed with her. You guys really did a great job at producing a quality puppy. We couldn't be more pleased!
- Dawn


Emma is a very smart dog and basically potty trained herself by going to the door when duty called. At four months she already has full house privileges and enjoys sleeping at the end of the bed.
- Eric


Ever since getting Lily, everything has been perfect! She has graduated from puppy training, she is the sweetest little angel and loves loves loves people. Every time we go to the vet, everyone needs to come pet her and bring her around for all the employees to see and she’s always in perfect health!
- Abby & TJ


Midas turned 3 months old yesterday. He's a very good boy. He's almost completely potty trained and is settling into our home very well. He gets lots of attention and love. He gets bigger every day.
- Trevor & Meri


Odie is such a great puppy! The kids love him already and Aaron and I have fallen for him, too :) He sleeps through the night without accidents and is so sweet. He has such a gentle personality! Last pick turned out to be just the right pick :) It is obvious that you guys worked with these puppies a lot!
- Sarah


Our new puppy (Marlow) seems to be feeling more at home as the days go by, she is more playful. She is growing fast and the potty training is going well. She's a nice puppy and we are so happy to have her.
- E & Z